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Relationship Wellness

 Relationship wellness is the ability “to meet your five basic human needs because of your relationship, not despite it.” These five basic needs include survival, connection, significance, freedom, and joy. All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive, with unhealthy relationships somewhere in the middle. Explore the Relationship Spectrum below by rating different scenarios as healthy, unhealthy, or abusive and find out where your own relationship falls.


If you recognize any of the warning signs, it may be an indication that your relationship is abusive. Call the national hotline for domestic violence at: 800-799-7233 or Text:START to 88788  to connect with an advocate to confidentially discuss your situation and explore available options.


For more information go to Love is Respect.


Keys to a Healthy Relationship

3 Core Components to having a successful relationship, are respect, affection and trust. These three core components make up the real foundation of the relationship. And just like a foundation of a building, if one component falters, the others soon follow. For more healthy tips go to Modern Health or consult a Therapist.

Dancing Grooms


Respect in the relationship means that you both hold each other in high regard. When you respect someone, you admire them for certain qualities they possess and/or the character they embody.

Happy Couple


Trust in each other means you take each other at your word. If one person says they’re going to do something, the other person assumes they’ll do as they say. If someone makes a mistake, the other person expects them to be honest and tell them. In fact, trust really just comes down to each person being completely honest with the other, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Young Couple


Affection in healthy relationships is freely given and received. Healthy couples don’t need to remind themselves to show their partner that they love and appreciate them. They just do. And the recipient receives affection with affection rather than turning it away or taking it for granted. 

TEDx by Joanne Davila 
Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships 

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